🌐 To spread awareness about the dangers of being trapped in the endless fibers of internet surfing🌐To potentially aid computer-dependent and addicted individuals in reducing their usage of computer🌐 To enlighten the netizens on how to maximize the silver lining of computer usage for the betterment of society
With the mission of assisting our fellow digital surfers take control of their lives rather than having computers take control of them, Into the Webverse envisions a world of responsible computer use one step at a time.
The mission of this advocacy campaign is to spread awareness on the potential dangers brought by theenormous wave of Internet surfing. Into the Webverse aims to aid computer-dependent individuals, especially in our world today where the abundance of technological advancements have widened and will further widen the digital world that we currently know of, and enlighten our fellow netizens on how to maximize the silver lining of computer usage for the betterment of one’s self and society.
Meet the members of the crew